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Home Improvement
in Enrichment Course Catalog
Beekeeping With Horizontal Top Bar Hives ( In Person ) Litchfield
with Bill Domonell

This class explores the benefits and simplicity of keeping honey bees in horizontal top bar hives. It is an introductory class, and it will cover basic information about beekeeping, with a focus on the advantages of top bar beekeeping over traditional methods. The class is geared to those curious about honey bees and who may be considering starting hives of their own. Topics covered will be honey bee biology and behavior, hive management, cost, time commitment, equipment, harvesting honey, and will include a demonstration of equipment.
Will run
Ecopsychology For Everyone ( Online )
with Rebecca Ann Lexa

Nature is good for you, but did you ever wonder why? In this class you’ll get to explore how the many ways we connect with nature help improve our mental health, how nature is incorporated into therapy, and how you can apply these principles to your everyday life.
Replacement Window Workshop ( Online )
with Paul O'Doherty

Want to save on your heat and air conditioning bills and take advantage of incentive programs available, but don’t know where to start? Low-E, Argon, Triple Pane, Wood, Vinyl, Composite. How much should I pay for a good quality window? Confused? Don’t be! Come learn from an experienced Master Carpenter. This workshop is a must for anyone thinking aboutHaving windows replaced or replacing windows themselves.
Furniture Finishing - Bring Wood To Life ( In Person ) Woodbury
with Vincent Dorso, Sr.

Discover how to restore a cherished piece or a tag sale find to its original condition and value. If it’s made of wood, we can repair it! Bring a small piece of furniture to class to work on
Plant Identification For Non-Botanists ( Online )
with Rebecca Ann Lexa

No botany degree? No problem! Join Master Naturalist Rebecca Lexa as she shares beginner friendly tools and skills for identifying plants wherever you may be. This is a casual identification class so technical terms will be at a minimum, and you’ll also learn some resources for further exploration.
The Taming Of The Shrub ( Online )
with David Silver

Learn sound techniques which, when applied at the right time for the right plant can take the mystery out of pruning. A discussion of the rationale behind pruning will help the home gardener
achieve the desired result.