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Enrichment Course Catalog
Introduction To Emotional Freedom Techniques ( Online )
with Bruce Whittemore

Taught by Holistic Coaches and certified EFT practitioners, this course teaches the simple but effective modality of tapping (also known as Emotional Freedom Techniques) for stress reduction and emotional regulation. Learn the history and science behind this simple yet powerful personal health tool. Students learn the history and the personal health benefits and science behind EFT as well as lifelong tools for stress reduction and emotional regulation.
Will run
ABC's Of Government Benefits For Your Loved One With Special Needs ( Online )
with Stuart Hawkins

This workshop will provide a greater understanding of the various government benefits available to your loved one. It will discuss in detail how to qualify, maximize, and preserve benefits such as Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Social Security Disability (SSD), Medicaid, Medicare, and the ABLE Act.
Will run
Beginners Tai Chi ( In Person ) Woodbury
with Trevor Biggs

This course covers Tai Chi postures and health and wellness through performing Qi Gong routines such as walking, shifting of weight, balancing on one or both feet, and beginning forms
Will run
The Venus Cycle: Sky Map For Personal Transformation ( In Person ) Litchfield
with Sharon Fortier

Learn how an ancient mythological story and the astronomy of Venus’s cycle can help you to transform beyond limiting patterns. At course end the student will be able to discuss the ancient story of Ianna’s Descent, understand the aspects of Venus’s 19-month cycle and more.
6 Weeks To Wellness ( In Person ) Litchfield
with Rodney Kelly

Learn the phyysics and spiritual components to self healing. How thoughts and beliefs can attrivute to developing diseases.
401K Rollovers ( In Person ) Woodbury
with Jay Dorso

Gain insight into the optimal timing for 401K rollovers and strategies to avoid penalties. This course will cover alternative options as well as the rules and regulations associated with 401K plans.
Beekeeping With Horizontal Top Bar Hives ( In Person ) Litchfield
with Bill Domonell

This class explores the benefits and simplicity of keeping honey bees in horizontal top bar hives. It is an introductory class, and it will cover basic information about beekeeping, with a focus on the advantages of top bar beekeeping over traditional methods. The class is geared to those curious about honey bees and who may be considering starting hives of their own. Topics covered will be honey bee biology and behavior, hive management, cost, time commitment, equipment, harvesting honey, and will include a demonstration of equipment.
Will run
Beginning Social Ballroom - Latin Styles ( In Person ) Woodbury
with Jim Zaccaria

This course focuses on dance fundamentals and basic steps, with a variety of popular Social Ballroom and Latin dances including Salsa, Cha Cha, Merengue, Waltz, Fox Trot, and Rumba. Instructional sheets are provided to help you remember what you’ve learned, plus a potential “field trip” for real-world dance experience.
Will run