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Personal Development
in Enrichment Course Catalog
The Art Of Fly Tying ( In Person ) Torrington
with Doug McDevitt

Master fly-tying skills and advanced techniques for creating streamers, dry flies, nymphs, and more. A $25 materials fee is due to the instructor at the first class.
The Harlem Renaissance ( In Person ) Litchfield
with Leonardo Cruoglio

Learn about the Harlem Renaissance, a cultual awakening among African Americans during the 1920s and 1930s. Opportunities and challenges of the modern era were embreaced through literature, music, theatre, and visual arts. This year we celebrate the 100th year anniversary of the Renaissance.
Transforming Your Life During Challenging Times ( Online )
with Katie Augustyn

This class helps you shift limiting beliefs, empowering you to consciously and intentionally create the life you want. The topics of discovering your core values, identifying self-sabotage, the power of forgiveness and more are touched upon.
Boating And Personal Watercraft Safety ( Online )
with Glenn Dean

This all-inclusive certification course allows you to legally operate a boat, personal watercraft, and includes the water ski towing endorsement. You are then certified for life. Glenn Dean from Connecticut Boating Certificates LLC
Intro To Disability Accommodations In College ( Online )
with Jennifer Boylan

Learn the process for requesting academic, housing, and dining accommodations at the college level, taught by a college ADA coordinator and former president of the disability services organization CT-AHEAD. Gain clarity about disability rights laws for the high school vs college level and about professors, housing, dining, service animals, and filing grievances.
Ecopsychology For Everyone ( Online )
with Rebecca Ann Lexa

Nature is good for you, but did you ever wonder why? In this class you’ll get to explore how the many ways we connect with nature help improve our mental health, how nature is incorporated into therapy, and how you can apply these principles to your everyday life.
Introduction To Grant Writing ( Online )
with Kellie Markle

This course provides an overview of the basics of grant writing for nonprofits and organizations seeking funding.
The Healing Power Of Writing About Your Life ( Online )
with Gerald Waxler

This class will show you how to join those fragments of memory into the shape of a story. Students will learn how to write memories into the form of sharable stories. Learn to Write your Memoir in 4 Weeks by Jerry Waxler (ISBN # 978-0977189595) ($12.99 paperback) is recommended
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