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ParaPro Assessment
in Career Advancement
ParaPro Assessment
with AE Staff

ParaPro Assessment at EdAdvance Litchfield will be available.
Please sign up to test at our location.
When you come to our building please bring a current photo ID with you and present this to our Staff in the Computer Lab.
NO food or drink allowed in the Computer Lab.
Sites to help you study:;;
Take a practice test here
Please contact us with any questions you may have via email to:
Will run
ParaPro Assessment
with AE Staff

ParaPro Assessment at EdAdvance Litchfield will be available.
Please sign up to test at our location.
When you come to our building please bring a current photo ID with you and present this to our Staff in the Computer Lab.
NO food or drink allowed in the Computer Lab.
Sites to help you study:;;
Take a practice test here
Please contact us with any questions you may have via email to:
Will run