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True Crime Podcasting: Intermediate Level Level ( Online )
with Kathleen King Elizabeth Corey

This intermediate course taught by the True Crime New England podcast hosts picks up where the beginners level left off. Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to successfully launch their own podcast with knowledge of proper equipment, programs, and basic social media techniques to gain a small following.
How Money Works ( In Person ) Litchfield
with Gene Callahan

Create a budget, save money more efficiently and learn how to tackle debt. By applying the principles of this class, you can achieve financial security.
Fantasy Mapmaking ( Online )
with Keegan Elliott Hine

This course covers the rules of fictional geography, various mapmaking tropes and styles, and helps students improve their worldbuilding and storytelling by allowing them to create more eye-catching and believable map illustrations. Design and illustrate your own fantasy map with a more complete understanding of the rules of geography and how it impacts civilizations. A supply list will be given to students on the first night of class. It is recommended that students bring good drawing paper, pencils, and erasers, a straight-edge ruler, and black pens (Pental Energel 0.3 mm).
Paint Pour Play ( In Person ) Torrington
with Faye Tway-Grant

Learn and practice the different ways you can produce art with new paint pouring techniques. Create abstract designs on canvas. There is a $15 supply fee payable to the instructor the
first night of class.
Will run
Irish Seisiun ( In Person ) Torrington
with Jean Recchia

Participants learn some typical seisiun tunes. All instruments welcome, tin whistle, flute, etc. Students must already know how to play their instrument.
Will run
Introduction To Grant Writing ( Online )
with Kellie Markle

This course provides an overview of the basics of grant writing for nonprofits and organizations seeking funding.
Introduction To Microsoft Word ( Online )
with Robin Adams

Come learn about Microsoft Word in this intro/refresher for adults at the beginner and intermediate skill levels.
Digital Photography For Intermediate ( Online )
with Steve McGrath

In this class we will explore the use of intermediate camera controls such as metering, exposure, ISO, shutter priority and more.